Malo je onih revija koje bismo po originalnosti i vizuelnom doživljaju mogli da uporedimo sa onom koju nam je priredio francuski modni dizajner, Simon Porte Jacquemus za svoju kolekciju proleće/leto 2020. Pista dugačka 500 metara, živopisne roze boje prostirala se kroz polje lavande u Provansi i zauvek urezala u sećanje svakog poštovaoca mode i umetnosti. Ipak, on je još jednom uspeo da nadmaši sebe, a pista je ovog puta vodila kroz žito.

Neutralne nijanse, poput bež, bele, nebo-sive, žalfija-zelene i zemljanih tonova smeđe i žute boje idealno su se stopile sa okolinom (baš kao što su u prethodnom slučaju to činile pink, limun-žuta i pastelno plava). Modeli su hodajući ovom nesvakidašnjom pistom izgledali poput "Afrodite koja izlazi iz morske pene".

Kolekcija L’Amour, za proleće/leto 2021. je ujedno i muška i ženska - što, pored okruženja, stavlja akcenat na održivost, koja je u fokusu dizajnerovog opusa.

L’Amour slavi ljubav, i tim povodom je dizajner svoje zvanice okupio u selu Val-d’Oise, nadomak Pariza, omogućivši im bezbednu udaljenost (više od 2m) između sedećih mesta na reviji. Poruka koju je mladi dizajner ovom kolekcijom želeo da prenese je da bez obzira na razdvojenost ljudi - ljubav ne samo da može da opstane, već može i da ojača. On je napravio paralelu sa tim kako je izgledao rad na novoj kolekciji, koji je trajao za vreme pandemije.

"Nakon što je naš tim bio razdvojen okolnostima koje su se desile, svi su osetili potrebu za da rade i stvaraju i nastala je nova vizija kolekcije. Postali smo ljudski lanac, i svaki naš kreativni proces je bio ispunjen ljubavlju."

Kolekcija sadrži modele smelih krojeva - dubokih izreza i dekoltea, haljine koje prate liniju tela i vuku se po podu, kao i krojeve koji naglašavaju kontrast između donjih ivica grudi i tela. Za muškarce dominiraju ležerni komadi - majice, košulje i pantalone, predviđene za duge šetnje po plaži.

U nastavku smo izdvojili samo neke od modela - nadamo se da ćete uživati u prizoru, makar približno kao mi:

(200717) -- VEXIN (FRANCE), July 17, 2020 (Xinhua) -- A model displays a creation of French fashion house Jacquemus at a wheat field in Vexin, near Paris, France, July 16, 2020.,Image: 544345400, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: - / Xinhua News / Profimedia
- / Xinhua News / Profimedia (200717) -- VEXIN (FRANCE), July 17, 2020 (Xinhua) -- A model displays a creation of French fashion house Jacquemus at a wheat field in Vexin, near Paris, France, July 16, 2020.,Image: 544345400, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: - / Xinhua News / Profimedia

July 16, 2020, Paris, France: Jacquemus. Model On Catwalk, Men, Paris Fashion Week 2021 Man Ready To Wear For Spring Summer, Defile, Fashion Show Runway Collection, Pret A Porter, Modelwear, Modeschau, Man, Laufsteg Fr�¼hling Sommer France.catwalk fashion outlook beauty runway men paris.PARMSS21,Image: 544937108, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Austria and France Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia
FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia July 16, 2020, Paris, France: Jacquemus. Model On Catwalk, Men, Paris Fashion Week 2021 Man Ready To Wear For Spring Summer, Defile, Fashion Show Runway Collection, Pret A Porter, Modelwear, Modeschau, Man, Laufsteg FrĂ�ÂĽhling Sommer France.catwalk fashion outlook beauty runway men paris.PARMSS21,Image: 544937108, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Austria and France Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia

July 16, 2020, Paris, France: Jacquemus. Model On Catwalk, Men, Paris Fashion Week 2021 Man Ready To Wear For Spring Summer, Defile, Fashion Show Runway Collection, Pret A Porter, Modelwear, Modeschau, Man, Laufsteg Fr�¼hling Sommer France.catwalk fashion outlook beauty runway men paris.PARMSS21,Image: 544935732, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Austria and France Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia
FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia July 16, 2020, Paris, France: Jacquemus. Model On Catwalk, Men, Paris Fashion Week 2021 Man Ready To Wear For Spring Summer, Defile, Fashion Show Runway Collection, Pret A Porter, Modelwear, Modeschau, Man, Laufsteg FrĂ�ÂĽhling Sommer France.catwalk fashion outlook beauty runway men paris.PARMSS21,Image: 544935732, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Austria and France Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia

July 16, 2020, Paris, France: Jacquemus. Model On Catwalk, Men, Paris Fashion Week 2021 Man Ready To Wear For Spring Summer, Defile, Fashion Show Runway Collection, Pret A Porter, Modelwear, Modeschau, Man, Laufsteg Fr�¼hling Sommer France.catwalk fashion outlook beauty runway men paris.PARMSS21,Image: 544939343, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Austria and France Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia
FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia July 16, 2020, Paris, France: Jacquemus. Model On Catwalk, Men, Paris Fashion Week 2021 Man Ready To Wear For Spring Summer, Defile, Fashion Show Runway Collection, Pret A Porter, Modelwear, Modeschau, Man, Laufsteg FrĂ�ÂĽhling Sommer France.catwalk fashion outlook beauty runway men paris.PARMSS21,Image: 544939343, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Austria and France Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia

July 16, 2020, Paris, France: Jacquemus. Model On Catwalk, Men, Paris Fashion Week 2021 Man Ready To Wear For Spring Summer, Defile, Fashion Show Runway Collection, Pret A Porter, Modelwear, Modeschau, Man, Laufsteg Fr�¼hling Sommer France.catwalk fashion outlook beauty runway men paris.PARMSS21,Image: 544930762, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Austria and France Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia
FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia July 16, 2020, Paris, France: Jacquemus. Model On Catwalk, Men, Paris Fashion Week 2021 Man Ready To Wear For Spring Summer, Defile, Fashion Show Runway Collection, Pret A Porter, Modelwear, Modeschau, Man, Laufsteg FrĂ�ÂĽhling Sommer France.catwalk fashion outlook beauty runway men paris.PARMSS21,Image: 544930762, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Austria and France Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: FashionPPS / Zuma Press / Profimedia